Sunday, November 07, 2004

ooooo *advantage*

Advantage**what a name for a pregnancy test.// this girl at my school..(no names) was outside waiting for the bus when she pulls out this pregnancy test..and her bf and her friend were there and they were waving it around and laughing histericaly..i mean c'mon ppl...this couple--the girl(no name) and her bf stand outside the school everyday and make out while her friend stands there and just watches!! myy god..if my friend ever did that to me i would be fuckin pissed. but anyways, yeah so this girl was laughing and reading the instructions to the test..and her bf said "so when are u gonna take the test" and she laughed and was like "wouldnt it be hilarious if it was positive! haha"// ..these people obviously dont know the severity of being pregnant..fuck, everyone thinks there pregant after the first time they have sex..but the way she was laughing..she was making a joke out of it but she really could be pregnant..baaah *sigh*some gr 9ers..


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